“Pray for Paris”, “Je suis Charlie” or “They will never beat us!” are sayings that overwhelmed your telephone, computer, or television screen several times as a result of terrorist attacks in Europe.
Lorries driving into crowds, bombings and shootings caused a massive stream of irrational reactions whereby emotion is leading within social and traditional media. As a spectator of these attacks we do not want to experience it, but we want to be part of it. The overarching tone of the messages within the aftermath amplifies a feeling of collective victimization by European citizens. However, in comparison there were only a few who were really present at the attacks and the rest of Europe only perceived them through cinematic and photographic imagery.
By using a provocative approach, my work unites these traumatic events with our own hyper reality, whereby the spectator is able to review his or her position. Because, can you call yourself a victim when you were not being present at one of these terrorist attacks?
Read more:
Willem de Kooning, 'Out Here, Out Now', 12-10-2018
NRC, 'Op de foto met Jihadi John', 12-09-2018
Stampa (#7), W39 Amsterdam, (min: 57.55 - 1.08.35), 27-09-2018
NOS, 'Afbeelding IS-strijder op festival Enschede mag blijven', 08-12-2018
RTV OOST (video), Kunstenares afbeelding IS-strijder: 'Ik ben niet van plan mijn kunstwerk weg te halen'. 08-09-2018
“Pray for Paris”, “Je suis Charlie” or “They will never beat us!” are sayings that overwhelmed your telephone, computer, or television screen several times as a result of terrorist attacks in Europe.
Lorries driving into crowds, bombings and shootings caused a massive stream of irrational reactions whereby emotion is leading within social and traditional media. As a spectator of these attacks we do not want to experience it, but we want to be part of it. The overarching tone of the messages within the aftermath amplifies a feeling of collective victimization by European citizens. However, in comparison there were only a few who were really present at the attacks and the rest of Europe only perceived them through cinematic and photographic imagery.
By using a provocative approach, my work unites these traumatic events with our own hyper reality, whereby the spectator is able to review his or her position. Because, can you call yourself a victim when you were not being present at one of these terrorist attacks?
Read more:
Willem de Kooning, 'Out Here, Out Now', 12-10-2018
NRC, 'Op de foto met Jihadi John', 12-09-2018
Stampa (#7), W39 Amsterdam, (min: 57.55 - 1.08.35), 27-09-2018
NOS, 'Afbeelding IS-strijder op festival Enschede mag blijven', 08-12-2018
RTV OOST (video), Kunstenares afbeelding IS-strijder: 'Ik ben niet van plan mijn kunstwerk weg te halen'. 08-09-2018